

Ambidexterity in Entrepreneurship Process and Social Value Creation: The Case Study of Turkish Art Industry

ABSTRACT In the study, the core research question of Entrepreneurship field is transformmed to “Why do some people but not...
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Nexus Between Entrepreneurship Process and Value of Innovation: A Conceptual Model Including Cognitive and Institutional Factors

ABSTRACT The paper introduces a theoretical framework to understand the nexus between entrepreneurship process and innovation. The paper focuses both...
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Evolving Family Business and New Value Creation by Entrepreneurial Cognition

ABSTRACT “Evolving family business and new value creation” is an important issue for the continuity of new value creation. Because...
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Transferring of Entrepreneurship to The Next Generations in Family Business by The Cognitive Perspective

ASTRACT “Transferring of Entrepreneurship to The Next Generations in Family Business” is an important issue for the continuity of new...
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Fırsatı Algılama ve Değerlendirme Sürecinde Bilişsel Faktörlerin ve Kurumsal Çevre Faktörlerinin Yeniliğin Değerine Etkisi / DOKTORA TEZİ – 2011

Danışman: Prof. Dr. Akın KOÇAK – Prof. Dr. Alper ÖZER ÖZET Girişimcilik süreci ve yenilik arasındaki ilişkiyi kurmak amacıyla tezde,...
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Creativity in Marketing and The Contributions of Artistic Creativity in Marketing / MASTER DISSERTATION-2007

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Akın KOÇAK – Prof. Dr. Alper ÖZER ÖZET Ekonomik çevrenin küreselleşme ile genişlediği ve belirsizliğin arttığı yeni...
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Pazarlamada Yaratıcılığın Yeri ve Sanatsal Yaratıcılığın Pazarlamaya Katkısı / YÜKSEK LİSANS TEZİ – 2007

Danışman: Prof. Dr. Akın KOÇAK – Prof. Dr. Alper ÖZER ÖZET Ekonomik çevrenin küreselleşme ile genişlediği ve belirsizliğin arttığı yeni...
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