List of Publications / Yayın Listesi

Book Chapters / Kitap Bölümleri
  1. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2020). EXPLORING CULTURAL VALUE: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES FOR THEORY AND PRACTICE, EMERALD (Editors: Kim Lehman, Ian Fillis & Mark Wickham)
  2. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2018).  SOSYAL BİLİMLERDE ARAŞTIRMA YÖNTEMLERİ NİCEL, NİTEL VE KARMA TASARIMLAR İÇİN BİR REHBER Eğitim Yayınevi, (Editör: Prof. Dr. Şebnem Aslan)
Articles Published in International Refereed Journal / Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
  1. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2016). “Art Based Strategy in Business Through an Extraordinary Artist Case: ‘Castle Window Metaphor’ in The Context of Innovation and Legitimacy”, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (JEIM), 5(2): 53-74. (ULAKBİM, Open Academic Journal Index)
  2. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. Özer, D. (2016). “Siyasal Pazarlamada Bütünleşik Pazarlama İletişimi ve Siyasi Partilerce Algılanan Toplum: Göstergebilimsel Bir Analiz”, Pazarlama ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9 (18): 31-66. (Advanced Sciences Index (ASI), AcademicKeys, CiteFactor, ASOS Index, Araştırmax)
  3. Muzaffar, H., Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö., Ceyhan, S. (2015). “Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Career Perceptions: Evidence from An Emerging Economy”, Dumlupinar University Journal of Social Sciences, Issue 46, (Page:96-116) (EBSCOhost, ULAKBİM, ASOS Index)
  4. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö., Özer, D.(2015). “Political Parties’ Perception into the Voters and the Appropriateness of Election Campaigns with the General Image of Political Parties: A Semiotic Analysis”, Global Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences.Volume 2, (Page: 17-26)
  5. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö., Özer, D. (2014). “Innovation or Consumption: A Critical Approach and A Qualitative Analysis to Innovative Consumption”, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Beta Publications, Volume 3, Issue 1, (Page:25-47). (Language of paper is Turkish)
  6. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2013). “Entrepreneurial Marketing and Social Value Creation in Turkish Art Industry: An Ambidextrous Perspective”, JRME: Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship Emerald Publishing, Volume 15, Issue 1, (Page:39-60) (Cabell’s Index, Scopus Index)
  7. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2013). “The Nexus Between Entrepreneurship Process and Value of Innovation: A Conceptual Model Including Cognitive and Institutional Factors” AKADEMİK BAKIŞ DERGİSİ , Sayı: 35. Mart-Nisan. (EBSCO, Index Copernicus International, ASOS Index)
  8. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2012). “Economic Development and Entrepreneurship: The Role of Innovative Entrepreneurship on New Value Creation”, NWSA – New World Sciences Academy-Social Sciences, International E-Journal, Cilt.7 Sayı:1,(Sayfa: 1-18). (EBSCO Index) (Language of paper is Turkish)
  9. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2011). “Evolving Family Business and New Value Creation by Entrepreneurial Cognition” Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (E-JOURNAL OF KARADENİZ TECNICAL UNIVERSITY), Volume: 2, (Page: 31-54).
Conference Papers / Bildiriler
  1. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2016). “Art and Business as if People Mattered: Mall Experience of Turkey in ‘Arts Marketing’”, Fifteenth International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing, 16th September, Egham, LONDON, UK.
  2. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö., Gökbulut N. (2016). “Linking Three Dots to Make A Triangle: Co-Creation of Art-Entrepreneurship-Marketing” by “Interaction with Art Project”, Fifteenth International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing, 16th September, Egham, LONDON, UK.
  3. İşgüzar Seda, Özdemir, Ö. (2016). “Technological Tools and Consumption: A research on Potential Entrepreneurs”, 4rt International Education Technologies Symposium 2016 / Elazığ, Turkey. (Language of paper is Turkish)
  4. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2015). “Art As A Social Business: Multi Level Approach to Social Value Creation Through Art”, 14th International Colloquium on Nonprofit, Social, Arts and Heritage Marketing, London, UK, 2 September.
  5. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2015) “Revisiting Entrepreneurial Marketing Through an Extraordinary Artist Case: ‘Castle Window Metaphor’ in the Context of Innovation and Legitimacy”, Global Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship (GRSME), Chicago, U.S.A., 12-14 August.
  6. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. Özer, D. (2015). “Integrated Marketing Communications in Political Marketing and Perceived Society by Political Parties: a Semiotic Analysis” 20. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi (UPK: 20th National Marketing Congress), Eskişehir TURKEY, 10-13 June. (Language of paper is Turkish) Prof Dr. Mehmet Oluç Best Paper (2nd Award)
  7. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. Özer, D. (2014). “Political Parties’ Perception into the Voters and the Appropriateness of Election Campaigns with the General Image of Political Parties: A Semiotic Analysis”, 3RD WORLD CONGRESS OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND POLITICAL SCIENCES, Barcelona, SPAIN, 28-29 November.
  8. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö., Demirer Akmaner, A. (2014). “Id, Idea, Ideal, Identity: Loosing and Finding Your ‘Id’s in (Global) Market”, QUO VADIS SOCIAL SCIENCES: Artvin Coruh University International Congress on Social Sciences, Artvin, TURKEY, 15-17 October. (Language of paper is Turkish)
  9. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2014). “Tracking Down the ‘Universal’ in the Delta of Art, Entrepreneurship and Global Marketing: The Case of”, QUO VADIS SOCIAL SCIENCES: Artvin Coruh University International Congress on Social Sciences, Artvin, TURKEY, 15-17 October. (Language of paper is Turkish)
  10. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö., Koçak, A. (2013). “Regional Development and Entrepreneurial Marketing Interface: An Exploratory Research on Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Creative Industries”, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION AS KEY DRIVERS OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Ventspils, LATVIA, 15- 16 July.
  11. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2013). “Individual and Environmental Determinants of Entrepreneurship Process : An Integrated Model Proposal”, 21th National Conference on Management and Organization. (“Girişimcilik Sürecinin Bireysel ve Çevresel Belirleyicileri: Bütünleşik Bir Model Önerisi”, 21. ULUSAL YÖNETİM VE ORGANİZASYON KONGRESİ) Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, Kütahya, Turkey, 30 May- 01 June. (Language of paper is Turkish)
  12. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2013). “Natural Competitive Advantage Through Regional Resources and Global Value Creation: The Case of Alacakaya Marble” 2nd INTERNATIONAL REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE, Elazığ, Turkey, 16- 17 May. (Language of paper is Turkish)
  13. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2012). “Ambidexterity in Entrepreneurship Process and Social Value Creation: The Case Study of Turkish Art Industry” RENT XXVI – RESEARCH IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS, Lyon, FRANCE, 21-23 November.
  14. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2010). “Nexus Between Entrepreneurship Process and Value of Innovation: A Conceptual Model Including Cognitive and Institutional Factors” INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP, İzmir Economy University, İzmir, Turkey, November 11-12.
  15. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2010). “Evolving Family Business and New Value Creation by Entrepreneurial Cognition”, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP, FAMILY BUSINESS AND INNOVATION, Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey, 21 – 23 October.
  16. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2010). “The Role of Corporate Entrepreneurship in The Organizational Change of Family Businesses by The Population Ecology Perspective”, 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS – ICBME’10, Yaşar University, İzmir, Turkey, 7-9 October.
  17. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2009). “Transferring of Entrepreneurship to The Next Generations in Family Business by The Cognitive Perspective”, ANKARA UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MARKET, MARKETING AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP: CREATING AND CAPTURING VALUE IN THE 21ST CENTURY (AUMEC), Antalya, Turkey, 6-9 April.
  18. Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2009). “Women as The Subject of Art and The Object of Popular Culture”, INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISIPLINEARY WOMEN’S CONGRESS (IMWC), Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir, Turkey, 13-16 October. (Language of paper is Turkish)